- When War Begins... (1992) Warpath
plays a more old school type of metal, the riffs are almost rocking at
some points, but they can still write a good song. Pretty good
some inventive uses of clean and distorted guitars. Not really my cup
- The
Dead Are Screaming (2020)
- What A Time To Be Alive (2021) Basically Nasum 2.0. Fast
grindcore with a really sharp distorted tone. Longer songs than Nasum,
but otherwise has a lot of the same vibe, really aggressive, screams
and shouts, unrelented smack you in the face attitude. It's funny, the
drums sound a little robotic, but apparently they're real, so who would
have thunk? Nothing revolutionary here, but this is the sort of music
that's just fun to thrash out to, and puts a real smile on my face. So
check it out!
- From
The Cave To The Grave (2022)
- My
Enemies Look And Sound Like Me (2023) Another 9 tracks from the
band very much in the same vein as their "Alive" album. In fact, other
than a very slight shift in audio mix (a tiny bit more mid and a slight
reduction in the bass), this really could be a part of the same album.
Fast blasting grindcore in a Nasum style, somewhat robotic drums, mid
ranged growling overtop of tremolo picked guitar riffs. Just as
enjoyable as their last outing, and well worth grabbing if you dig the
- Die
For Me (2024) Man, talk about a busy band. They've released an
album every single year for the last 5 years. Will they take a break?
I'm all for it if they need it, but in the meantime I will just enjoy
their absolute consistency. This 5th album is once again very similar
to previous albums, the sound has a little less noise and reverb, so
it's a bit more in your face, but otherwise it's another set of 9 high
quality blasting death metal tunes in the exact same vein as their
previous material. They have a good eye on catchy riffs and solid
songwriting. If you've listened to any of their previous albums, this
will be another perfect addition to the collection.
- The
Somatic Defilement (2007)
- This Is Exile
(2008) Deathcore in the same general style as Job For A Cowboy, with a
touch of Meshuggah (see the beginning of 'Possession') and perhaps even
some Black Metal influences (check out the beginning of 'Daemon').
These guys aren't doing anything that others haven't done before, but
they do it so well. The sound is fantastic with a super pounding and
thick guitar tone (the band uses 3 guitarists). The music is really
tight. The drumming is fast and accurate (love the doublebass at the
end of 'To All That Are Dead'). The songs
do tend to suffer a bit from the sameness factor, which they try and
address with some spooky intros, and mild
industrial influences to break things up. But the core of the band (if
you forgive the pun) is the unending bludgeoning start-stop rhythms,
prepare to be punched in the face. The vocals are mostly low and growly
(with the occasional higher pitched raspy screams), imagine David
Vincent from Morbid Angel but with a deeper and thicker voice. They
certainly aren't gonna sway anybody who hates deathcore, but within the
confines of their genre, these guys are top notch. Hopefully they can
find ways on future releases to accentuate their unique aspects, and
break away from the pack a bit.
- A New
Era Of Corruption (2010) I was hoping this would be the album to
push them over the top, but in general, it falls a little flat. Nothing
really bad here, the sound is great, the songs are energetic, but
overall there isn't really any sort of "Hell Yeah!" moment on the
album. The riffs are a little bland, with nothing super memorable to be
found. The best song is probably the opener, 'Devolver', which has a
few decent hooks, but otherwise, this is all territory I have heard
before either with this band, or other similar bands in the genre. If
you're a huge fan of the band's last album, there's nothing wrong with
"Corruption", you'll probably like it just fine. But I don't see myself
replaying this a lot in the future, I'll probably stick to their second
- Recorrupted
(2011, EP) Digital only EP. Contains one new song, one cover, two
remixes and one acoustic version of a song from their last album. The
new song is generally good, sort of mid paced. The cover is of
Pantera's 'Strength Beyond Strength', and sounds pretty similar to the
original, except death metalized of course. The two remixes are ok, at
least they're darker angrier industrial and noisy remixes as opposed to
poppy dance ones. And the acoustic song is nice and atmospheric, very,
very different sounding than the original. I like how the acoustic
guitars are just using chords you don't usually hear on acoustic
guitars. The first two songs are worth it, and maybe the last song, but
the 2 remixes aren't really all that interesting. I'd buy the songs
separately on Amazon or iTunes to get exactly the ones you want.
- Whitechapel
(2012) Similar to their last album in that while not spectacular, it's
a solid effort. My favorite bit about this album are the interludes, to
avoid the monotony of blasting and double bass the whole time, the band
has really pushed the interludes on this release, from acoustic guitar,
piano, clean guitar, all sort of things, they add a good level of
atmosphere to the album, and certainly breaks the songs up. Riff wise,
decent stuff, but again could use a few more standout riffs. From a
performance perspective, certainly a lot of power and brutality here.
Fans of the band will dig this album, but I'm still hoping that one of
these days, the band will release an album that truly transcends the
rest. They certainly have all the elements to make it happen.
- Gods on Voodoo Moon
(1986, EP)
- Slaughter The Grey/ Pig Heaven
(1986, EP)
- Soul-Crusher (1987)
- Psycho-Head Blowout (1987,
- Make Them Die Slowly
- God of Thunder (1989,
- La Sexorcisto: Devil Music Volume 1
(1992) Sort of a combination of old style metal and new style metal
meets Metallica). Very riff oriented, a more simplistic drum style,
decent although not mind blowing production. Nothing spectacularly new
- Astro-Creep 2000 (1995)
White Zombie at the top of their game, a mixture of grooves and sound
The production is powerful, with lots of bottom end and good EQing.
drums that don't wander too far from techno / dance beats. Riffs are
with samples and strange noises to form a rather thick industrial sound
that still somehow retains the old-school groove that was present on
last album. The vocals are quite distorted, they obviously know how to
use their effects processors. In general good quality songs that are
written and commercially catchy without being boring, this is the
album to own.
- Supersexy Swingin' Sounds
(1996) Dance remixes from Astro-Creep 2000. Some of the songs are just
way too dance oriented, with very minimal metal samples. But others
have that harder edge that you need in any form of intense music. In
an excellent album to have playing in the background at a party, or
you're in a more mellower mood.
This band used to be called They:Swarm.
- Headless
(2013) After a few name swaps, the band has finally released their new
album. As with my last review, Whorecore are definitely taking a page
from the Aborted / Exhumed play book. Their riff writing skills may not
be quite at the same stellar level, but the songs are still plenty
catchy. Favorite moments for me are the last riff in 'Release Through
Torture', really nice disharmony and heavy as shit, and the "dubadadub"
riff in 'Departure'. The mix could also be a tad bit better, everything
is clear, but it could be slightly more in your face. Overall, if you
dig Aborted, you'll probably dig Whorecore as well.
- Demo
2011 (2001, Demo)
- They
Did Unspeakable Things (2012)
- Isn't
She Lovely (2012, EP)
- While
You Were Sleeping
(2014, EP) I guess this band is what you get when you combine a Whore
with Cryptopsy. Stylewise, it's general deathcore with plenty of
breakdowns, followed by super fast doublebass and gravity blasts. The
songs are generally good, but nothing super memorable. Vocals are
lowish gargled stuff. The 5 song EP is generally fun to listen to, but
I don't feel the band is offering much that other similar bands aren't.
Still worth a listen.
- Never
Tear Us Apart (2015) Wow, what a step up. The band was saving
its best songs for this album. While the songs on their EP were ok,
this album is just chalk full of excellent riffs. Same general style,
some deathcore breakdowns, but far more inventively done than 99% of
the bands out there. Its like they sat down and said "lets do
breakdowns, but lets see what we can do to spice them up so they're not
so boring". The solution frequently is fast double bass under the
breakdown, which of course tweaks my personal fetish for fast double
bass with slow chugging guitar. I'd pretty much written this band off,
but after this album, I am super interested again, check these guys
out, highly recommended.
- White
Men Can't Blump (2016, Single)
- Take
My Breath Away (2018) Pretty similar to their last album. The
sound quality has done a slight step up, a couple of the songs take a
slight step down in terms of memorability, but otherwise this
is a really solid album in terms of slam. Really enjoy the song 'Man's
Best Friend', it has fantastic groove. The moshing must be intense
at their shows. While I still prefer "Never Tear Us Apart" more, this
is a worthy sequel and provides plenty of brutality.
- Wolfkahn
(2010, EP) Short 5 songs EP (one song is an intro, and one is an outro,
so basically 3 songs), the band hits a number of styles, from more
thrashy stuff, to more straight forward death metal type material, to
neo-classical, to a touch of Deathcore. The 3 middle songs remind me of
some of Job For A Cowboy's material, I know some of you may not be a
fan of that band, but some of their songs are actually pretty good, and
Wolfkahn's music is as good if not better than Job's best material. The
real surprise is how professional this EP sounds, the production
quality is perfect, lots of big bass and crunchy highs, and the
performance is very tight, like the group has been together for awhile.
I appreciate the variety to the songs, but I think a little more focus
for their debut album will help, not so much focus as to become boring,
just enough to get a more even blend. Like for example, placing more of
the neoclassical elements as part of other songs, instead of only using
that style for the intro and outro. Overall, this EP shows a lot of
promise, and I very much look forward to watching the band mature, and
release their first full length.
- Floating
Cadaver In The Monochrome (1999, Demo)
- Voxel
Mitosis (2001, Promo)
- Planisphaerium
(2003) While I could draw a strong connection between this band and
Disgorge, there are a number of factors that set the bands apart.
First, Wormed has the super low vocals, but they're even more low,
gurgly and possibly processed. Songwise, Wormed's songs have a little
more variety to them. Not in the way that say Suffocation has distinct
and memorable songs, but compared to the ridiculously random Disgorge
formula they do a much larger variety of drum grooves, slow plodding
bits, squawks, 1 bar non sequiturs (like a bit that sounds like the
intro to Cryptopsy's 'Defenstration'). Imagine Disgorge mixed with say
Immolation, and a touch of Cryptopsy. Production is really nice, plenty
of bass and highend crackle, and a lot of layered guitars to make this
big, big sound. At just under 30min, it ends long before the formula
becomes stale. I don't know, is it bad for a reviewer to say it has
some indescribable quality that just persuades me to keep it in my
daily metal rotation? Because it does, some combination of groove,
brutal sound, the ridiculously low vocals keeps my attention, and so I
gotta recommend this one.
- Quasineutrality
(2010, Promo) 2 song Promo EP, I suppose to remind everyone that the
band is still around after a 7 year wait. Same general style as before,
blasting death metal with super gurgly vocals. Still good quality
songs, enjoyable stuff. It's only 2 songs, but it's cheap, and it's a
nice little reintroduction to the group. It does what it set out to do
admirably, wetting my appetite for a new wormed full length CD which I
hope we don't have to wait another 7 years for.
- Exodromos
(2013) It's been a decade and finally a new Wormed album. The result?
Well, something very Cryptopsy like. On more than 1 occasion I am
listening to a riff and it sounds very much like it could have come
from Cryptopsy's "And Then You'll Beg" or their new self titled album.
They still however retain the super low gargled vocals from their
debut. And then on top of that we have a few extra odd bits, squawks,
strange noises, pick scrapes, little oddities that keep things
interesting. The performance is fantastic, the production quality is
excellent, and the riffs are strong and memorable. Yes, they may have
borrowed a bit too much from Cryptopsy, but the album is really solid
and enjoyable, and hey, I like Cryptopsy, so I highly recommend this
one for fans of technical death metal.
- Krighsu
(2016) Let the scifi influenced blastathon continue! Taking up where
their last album left off, we have another super brutal blastfest with
Cryptopsy overtones and scifi gibberish as song titles. The sound has a
little more high end this time, which gives it an extra sharpness
that's kind of nice. The songs are well written and the performance is
fantastic. Lots of regular blasts, gravity blasts, complex time
signature changes. And a few interludes to break up the pounding.
Basically, if you liked their last album, they haven't changed their
style much, so here's more awesomeness to enjoy. Highly recommended.
- Metaportal
(2019, EP) After founding member J. Oliver left Wormed, the big
question was could the band continue without their main songwriter (not
to mention the death of their drummer G-Calero). The answer is they're
certainly trying with this 4 song EP 3 years later, but it never quite
lives up to their heights of "Krighsu". There are still fast parts, but
there are markedly less of them. The sound is still clear, but slightly
more muffled. The whole album feels a little more drony, with repeated
guitar parts that create a more atmospheric feel than a vicious brutal
death metal feel. Overall, not a bad release, but their last album was
so biting that I don't know if they could have topped it even fully
staffed. We'll see what the future holds, this EP takes a step down,
but I am hopefully they can ratchet it back up again.
- Omegon
(2024) First new music in 5 years from the band, and first full length
after their founder departed. Their last EP was ok, and I was wondering
what the departure of J. Oliver would mean to the band going forward.
Omegon shows what the new lineup has to offer, and while not as good as
their "Krighsu" album, it is certainly a step up from the "Metaportal"
EP. This album has a little more fast stuff in it, and is a closer to
match to the classic Wormed style. If I have any issue it's with the
production quality. Again, better than their EP, but it still has a
somewahat muffled feel to it, and if I switch around between songs on
their "Krighsu" or "Exodromos" album and this one, the sound quality
drop is obvious. The other album just have a much more "in your face"
feel. But that aside, the songs feel very much like their other
material, and there's a much better mix of speeds and the drony parts.
If their older material was a 9, and the EP was a 5, I'll give this a
solid 7. I bet a tweak to the mix would have brought it to 8. So glad
the band is still around, and looking forward to their future work, but
would love to see a few tweaks!
- Weapons
Of Mass Protection (2005, EP) Short 5 song EP, in a pretty
similar style of Disavowed. So lots of fast blasts, double bass,
tremolo and fast picked riffs that change tempo and time signature
every few bars. The music is demo quality in terms of mix, but its
clear, and the band is tight, which makes it highly enjoyable. If
you've never heard Disavowed before, check them out first, but if
you're a fan and want some more, check these guys out too.
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