Concert Reviews

Dying Fetus
May 18th 2024

El Corazon, Seattle, WA, USA

This will be a bit of a short concert review as I arrived a bit late and so missed all the opening acts. But always happy to see Dying Fetus, I can't believe they've been doing this for close to 30 years now (then again, I can't believe I've been doing this webzine for 30 years now <G>) And on that note, the first thing that struck me was how young the audience was compared to recent metal shows I've been to. I'd say the vast majority of people were between 20-30, and to get that many young folk seeing a band in their 50s gives me plenty of hope for the continued existence of a strong vibrant metal community long after I'm gone. This music will never die.

Another venue note, this band was way too big for El Corazon. It was a sold out show, and it was so squished in there it was almost impossible to move. Seattle needs more mid-sized concert venues I feel. The other consequence of so many people is it was HOT. While outside it was 50 degrees and raining, inside must have been 100 degrees and everyone was glistening from sweat.

Anyways, after some funny music played between sets by the DJ while the band was setting up (seeing Dying Fetus drummer Trey Williams doing the motions to YMCA was hilarious), the band took the stage at 9:40 and proceeded to pummel the crows for a little over an hour. They opened with 'Wrong One To Fuck With', and then proceeded to delve into their extensive back catalog, plus a few songs from their latest album. Personally I wish they had played a few more songs from their earlier albums, but I was super happy to hear 'Intentional Manslaughter', 'Killing On Adrenaline' and they closed with 'Grotesque Impalement' and 'Kill Your Mother - Rape Your Dog'.

Soundwise, the venue being so small meant that the sound didn't have much space to breath either. I've seen them in other venues before, and the sound mix and acoustics were just a lot better. They did have a few things going for them however, 1) with only a single guitar, it's easier to hear all the notes, 2) the band has always been and continues to be really tight, and 3) the band's music with all of the moshable breakdown bits help avoid the concert being a messy wall of sound. And mosh people did, very energetic crowd, Dying Fetus' musical style works really well with a live crowd. Plus, someone in the pit was dressed in a Jesus costume, seeing Jesus crowd surfing was just tons of fun.

The band continues their tour with Portland today, hopefully the rest of their concerts are in bigger venues.

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