Best Of

What are your favorite albums of 2014?

At the end of the year, I'll post my own Top 10 of 2014, and a Top 10 of what the readers think.


Possible Nominees (These are just suggestions, feel free to add your own favorites!):

ABORTED: The Necrotic Manifesto, ABYSMAL TORMENT: Cultivate The Apostate, ARCH ENEMY: War Eternal, BEHEMOTH: The Satanist, BLOODBATH: Grand Morbid Funeral, BLOODSOAKED: Religious Apocalypse, CANNIBAL CORPSE: A Skeletal Domain, CORONADO: Ark, CORONADO: Awake, DECAPITATED: Blood Mantra, DISENTOMB: Misery, ENTITIES: Novalis, GARDENJIA: Materia Oscura, GOATWHORE: Constricting Rage of the Merciless, GORGASM: Destined to Violate, HADAL MAW: Senium, HANZEL UND GRETYL: Black Forest Metal, ICONIC VIVISECT: Monument of Depravity, INTERNAL BLEEDING: Imperium, THE KENNEDY VEIL: Trinity Of Falsehood, MACHINE HEAD: Bloodstone & Diamonds, MISERY INDEX: The Killing Gods, MISOPHONIA: Vinctus, NEAR DEATH CONDITION: Evolving Towards Extinction, NOTT: Abyssal, OBITUARY: Inked In Blood, ORIGIN: Omnipresent, PATHOLOGY: Throne of Reign, PATHWAYS: Harlot, PERIPHERY: Clear, PRONG: Ruining Lives, THE RESET: Chasing Infinity, RESURRECTION: Soul Descent - March of Death, SATARIEL: White Ink: Chapter One, SINISTER: The Post-Apocalyptic Servant, SLIPKNOT: .5: The Grey Chapter, SOILS OF FATE: Thin The Herd, SOREPTION: Engineering the Void, SUICIDE SILENCE: You Can't Stop Me, DEVIN TOWNSEND: Casualties Of Cool, DEVIN TOWNSEND: Ziltoid 2: Dark Matters / DTP Sky Blue, VADER: Tibi Et Igni, VOLUMES: No Sleep, VOYAGER: V, WHORETOPSY: While You Were Sleeping, XERATH: III

What are your favorite albums of 2014? Email your list in now!