What are your favorite albums of 2014?
At the end of the year, I'll post my own Top 10 of 2014, and a Top
of what the readers think.
- All submissions must be in by Dec 31st 2014, midnight PST
- Any album that was released in 2014 is eligible, which means you
for any of the albums below or any other 2014 album you love (as long
the style of music is similar to the stuff I cover in my webzine, polka
or something equally lame is a nono!)
- One entry per email address.
- Sorry, but you don't win anything other than the possible
of seeing your favoirte album in the #1 spot.
- The way this works is every album you place in the form below
gets a
at the end, I add up all the points for each album from all entries,
I build the reader's top 10 using this information.
Possible Nominees (These are just suggestions, feel free to
add your own favorites!):
ABORTED: The Necrotic Manifesto, ABYSMAL TORMENT: Cultivate The
Apostate, ARCH ENEMY: War Eternal, BEHEMOTH: The Satanist, BLOODBATH:
Grand Morbid Funeral, BLOODSOAKED: Religious Apocalypse, CANNIBAL
Blood Mantra,
DISENTOMB: Misery, ENTITIES: Novalis, GARDENJIA: Materia Oscura,
GOATWHORE: Constricting Rage of the Merciless, GORGASM: Destined to
Violate, HADAL MAW: Senium, HANZEL UND GRETYL: Black Forest Metal,
ICONIC VIVISECT: Monument of Depravity, INTERNAL BLEEDING: Imperium,
THE KENNEDY VEIL: Trinity Of Falsehood, MACHINE HEAD: Bloodstone &
Diamonds, MISERY INDEX: The Killing Gods, MISOPHONIA: Vinctus, NEAR
DEATH CONDITION: Evolving Towards Extinction, NOTT: Abyssal, OBITUARY:
Inked In Blood,
ORIGIN: Omnipresent, PATHOLOGY: Throne of Reign, PATHWAYS: Harlot,
PERIPHERY: Clear, PRONG: Ruining Lives, THE RESET: Chasing Infinity,
RESURRECTION: Soul Descent - March of Death, SATARIEL: White Ink:
Chapter One, SINISTER: The Post-Apocalyptic Servant, SLIPKNOT: .5: The
Grey Chapter, SOILS OF FATE: Thin The Herd, SOREPTION: Engineering the
Void, SUICIDE SILENCE: You Can't Stop Me, DEVIN TOWNSEND: Casualties Of
Cool, DEVIN TOWNSEND: Ziltoid 2: Dark Matters / DTP Sky Blue, VADER:
Tibi Et Igni, VOLUMES: No Sleep, VOYAGER: V, WHORETOPSY: While You Were
Sleeping, XERATH: III
What are your favorite albums of 2014? Email
your list in now!