Best Of

What are your favorite albums of 2012?

At the end of the year, I'll post my own Top 10 of 2012, and a Top 10 of what the readers think.


In order to encourage participation (I usually only get a few dozen responses out of the hundreds of people that read the site), this year I'm giving away a $25 iTunes gift certificate to one of the participants (or an amazon gift certificate if the winner prefers). I will randomly pick (using a random number generator) one entrant from all that I get and that person gets the Gift Card. So send your list in now!


Possible Nominees (These are just suggestions, feel free to add your own favorites!):

ABORTED: Global Flatline, AEON: Aeons Black, THE AMENTA: Chokehold, ARKAIK: Metamorphignition, BELLIGERENT INTENT: Seven Are They, BENEATH THE MASSACRE: Incongruous, BLOODDUSTER: Svck, CATTLE DECAPITATION: Monolith of Inhumanity, COLDWORKER: The Doomsayer's Call, CRYPTOPSY: Cryptopsy, CRYPTOPSY: The Best Of Us Bleed, DEFTONES: Koi No Yokan, DEVOLVED: Reprisal, DYING FETUS: Reign Supreme, ELITIST: Reshape Reason, ENOCHIAN THEORY: Life... And All It Entails, THE FACELESS: Autotheism, FEAR FACTORY: The Industrialist, GLASS CLOUD: The Royal Thousand, GOJIRA: L'Enfant Sauvage, HANZEL UND GRETYL: Born To Be Heiled, HOUR OF PENANCE: Sedition, IMPIETY: Ravage & Conquer, JOB FOR A COWBOY: Demonocracy, MALIGNANCY: Eugenics,  MESHUGGAH: Koloss, MNEMIC: Mnemesis, NAPALM DEATH: Utilitarian, NILE: At The Gate Of Sethu, ONSCENITY: Atrophied In Anguish, THE OMEGA EXPERIMENT: The Omega Experiment, PATHOLOGY: The Time Of Great Purification, PERIPHERY: Periphery II, PIG DESTROYER: Book Burner, PRONG: Carved Into Stone, PSYCROPTIC: The Inherited Repression, REACH (US): We Seek the Means to Escape This Light, Intrusive, REFLECTIONS: The Fantasy Effect, THE RESET: Progenitor, THE ROTTED: Ad Nauseam, SHADOWS FALL: Fire From The Sky, SIX FEET UNDER: Undead, SPAWN OF POSSESSION: Incurso, STEALING AXION: Moments, SYNTHETIC BREED: Zero Degrees Freedom, TESSERACT: Perspective, TESTAMENT: Dark Roots Of Earth, THY ART IS MURDER: Hate, THE TONY DANZA TAPDANCE EXTRAVAGANZA: Danza 4: The Alpha- the Omega, DEVIN TOWNSEND: By A Thread, DEVIN TOWNSEND: Epicloud, TYRANT OF DEATH: Cyanide, VEIL OF MAYA: Eclipse, WHITECHAPEL: Whitechapel,

What are your favorite albums of 2012? Email your list in now!