What are your favorite albums of 2007?
At the end of the year, I'll post my own Top 10 of 2007, and a Top 10 of what the readers think. You can either email your submissions to me, or else put them in the form below.
ABORTED: Slaughter & Apparatus: A Methodical Overture, AEON: Rise to Dominate, AKERCOCKE: Antichrist, Deeds That Go Undone, ANGELCORPSE: Of Lucifer and Lightning, ANIMOSITY: Animal, APOCALYPTICA: Worlds Collide, ARCH ENEMY: Rise of the Tyrant, ARSONISTS GET ALL THE GIRLS: The Game Of Life, AS I LAY DYING: An Ocean Between Us, BEHEMOTH: The Apostasy, BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME: Colors, BLOOD DUSTER: Lyden Na, CHIMAIRA: Resurrection, COLDWORKER: The Contaminated Void, COMO MUERTOS: Como Muertos, CRIONICS: Neuthrone, DAATH: The Hinderers, DAM: The Difference Engine, DAUNTLESS: Execute the Fact, DEMIGOD: Let Chaos Prevail, DESPISED ICON: The Ills of Modern Man, DETHKLOK: The Dethalbum, DEVILDRIVER: The Last Kind Words, DIABOLIC: Chaos in Hell, DISAVOWED: Stagnated Existence, DIVINE HERESY: Bleed The Fifth!, DOWNLORD: Random Dictionary Of The Damned, DRAWN AND QUARTERED: Merciless Hammer of Lucifer, DREAM THEATER: Systematic Chaos, DYING FETUS: War of Attrition, FIVE STAR PRISON CELL: Slaves Of Virgo, GOREFEST: Rise To Ruin, IMMOLATION: Hope and Horror, IMMOLATION: Shadows in the Light, JOB FOR A COWBOY: Genesis, KORN: Untitled, LUPARA: Lupara, MACHINE HEAD: The Blackening, MALEVOLENT CREATION: Doomsday X, MALIGNANCY: Inhuman Grotesqueries, MAN MUST DIE: The Human Condition, MINISTRY: The Last Sucker, MNEMIC: Passenger, MONSTROSITY: Spiritual Apocalypse, NEURAXIS: Live Progression, NIGHTRAGE: A New Disease Is Born, NILE: Ithyphallic, NINE INCH NAILS: Year Zero, OBITUARY: Xecutioner's Return, OTEP: The Ascension, OZZY OSBOURNE: Black Rain, PIG DESTROYER: Phantom Limb, PROJECT: FAILING FLESH: The Conjoined, PRONG: Power Of The Damager, PYREXIA: Age of the Wicked, SCARVE: The Undercurrent, SEVERE TORTURE: Sworn Vengeance, SHADOWS FALL: Threads of Life, SIX FEET UNDER: Commandment, SOULLESS: Forever Defiant, SYNPERIUM: Transfiguration, SYNTHETIC BREED: Catatonic, THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDERS: Nocturnal, THE BLED: Silent Treatment, THE END: Elementary, THE RED CHORD: Prey For Eyes, THROUGH THE EYES OF THE DEAD: Malice, DEVIN TOWNSEND: The Hummer, DEVIN TOWNSEND: Ziltoid the Omniscient, ULCERATE: Of Fracture And Failure, VISCERAL BLEEDING: Absorbing the Disarray, VITAL REMAINS: Icons of Evil, ROB ZOMBIE: Zombie Live
What are your favorite albums of 2007?: